
Friday, September 26, 2014

Squeezing in one last camping trip this year.

 My friend had a camping trip planned for this weekend up at Trillium Lake, when she invited us Jason laughed and told her she was nuts. Apparently it gets cold up at 3,600 the end of September. We decided to tag along anyway, we just hoped we packed enough warm stuff.

It was nice when we got there...a little brisk perhaps, but nice. We wanted a fire right away, thankfully we had a lot of little helpers to find sticks for us to burn. We also brought a TON of wood...we filled a 4 foot X 4 foot X 4 foot box.

Little helpers indeed, we had NINE kids with us between the 3 families.

Everyone got right down to getting dirty and having fun.

This little man kept us on our toes all day, I am so tired LOL.

Camp set up, and tear down, always sucks...takes forever and you would rather be doing fun stuff. It was nice to have help setting up this time.
All our chairs were waiting for us to relax by the fire.

The guys fashioned a little extra table for our stove.

So glad Jason had Harry to help him put together all our tents and covers. That left me free to watch the men work :)

Dina brought her doggies too, the kiddos loved having some mutt time...they of course then started missing Gangster and wishing he was with us.

Dinner, doesn't always have to be chicken and dogs....those options will be on tomorrow's menu LOL.

Xan was in little boy heaven, 3 older boys to try to hang and keep up with.

S'mores, camping is just not camping without s'mores. Our little campers were ready...we had the best group, and the best time!

We had a lot of marshmallows that didn't make it to full on s'mores.

LOL Jordan!


Natalia, that looks too big for you Hahaha.

Messy goodness :)

The kids ate a lot of s'mores LOL.

Good times...until bed time.

Flashlights and lanterns were a big hit with the kiddos.

We had an awesome fire all day, this whole box was full of wood. Too bad we couldn't sleep by the fire, I am not quite sure how cold it got...but I do know I was straight up miserable all night. I was honestly ready to go home instead of sleep out here one more night. Hope we can do something to get through one more night, a little more comfortably tomorrow night.

1 comment:

  1. Josh and I went camping once in the White Mountains in New Hampshire- it was like, June. It was so.fucking.cold I thought I was going to die. It was awful and it was freaking JUNE. I took my sleeping bag and blankets and slept in the car. I hate camping :*)
