
Friday, October 10, 2014

Pumpkin patch fun.

The kids had no school today, and the weather was supposed to be nice, so we decided to hit up the pumpkin patch with Grandma, Cousin Hailee and Grammy Jo. We have a couple more patch trips planned for this month, hopefully the weather cooperates as well as it did today, it was a lovely day.

We went back to our fave spot...we have been coming here for years. Last year, the year we went as the Potato Head family, back when the trio were 2, and their first time when the trio were 15 month old 3 little pigs. So many great memories here.

We pretty much always start out at the barn, the kids love seeing the animals...they had a few new ones this year.

The calf was super cute.

The bunny was a hit.

They love taking these pumpkin pics every year.

Off to play on the hay pyramid.

Jericho was making some pretty amazing jumps from bale to bale...he just had to do what the big kids were doing.

Of course he landed on his stomach then had to get himself up the rest of the way, but he was doing it. Little beast.

Cow ride with Grandma.

Jericho picked the caboose.

The girls make cute lil pumpkins.

While waiting for the hay ride out to the patch the kiddos amused themselves climbing gates.

I just love something about this pic.
Haddie is for sure our Ninja Warrior, she was "walking" down the gate flipping from facing forward to facing back.

They entertained themselves for a good 10 minutes, even cranky Bug...she was in a mood, again.

Such a grumpy Bug.

Hay ride out to the pumpkins.

We weren't really looking for pumpkins quite yet, but the kids each got a baby one to take home.

Our attempt at a family pic, will have to try again on our next patch visit.

The girls had fun getting to hang out.


We take this pic every year that we come here. This year they had moved the 3 head hole pumpkin, and we thought they had gotten rid of it, I was so bummed. We saw it out in the field, so we made our way over to take our traditional picture. They have grown up so much over the last 6 is hard to believe these are the same kiddos sometimes.

Everyone spent a little time playing on an old tractor for a bit before we headed out to grab some dinner.

After 3 hours at the pumpkin patch this Momma needed a Margarita with dinner! The perfect ending to a perfect day!

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