
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The years start coming, and they don't stop coming.

Today is my 36th birthday and I spent it with a bottle of this stuff. I had sworn off coloring anymore 10 months ago, been at it since the gray started showing up at 21, I am so over it. Then I got guilted into it, without the person meaning to at all. What is another 14 or 15 more years (when my kids will be out of school and I can go gray without embarrassing anyone LOL). I am glad I was reminded of the school friends factor, I am surprised I didn't think of it myself. My Mom grayed early and I hated that my Mom was/looked like the oldest mother there. Oh well...time to rinse. Cheers!

My wonderful hubby and amazing kids got me these beautiful Orchids, that I will try my best not to kill.

They also got me these flowers...see Jericho's hand picked addition in there LOL. Last but not least, they got me an electric blanket, woohoo can't wait to try that baby out!

Some birthday cake :)

I did a little more work on my costume today, painted the rosette's on the purple fabric. I also got the fabric pinned onto the shell so Karen can get them all sewed on during our next work session.

Hayden doesn't know it yet, but she was picked as student of the month! The school called today to notify us that there will be a school assembly Friday morning to announce it and that we are welcome to attend...but asked that we not spoil the surprise. I can't wait to see her face! She is a teachers dream, so I am not too surprised. Way to go Haddie! We are so proud of her, she is a good kid, not too much on us....she is one of those easy ones. I just hope that continues after she hits 12 LOL. Dad is super bummed that he will be working, I think Grandma and Auntie Amber are going to join me at the assembly though!

Funny story from yesterday....
I guess my handsome son now has a new girlfriend, named Lily. Someone should have told her to get in line...with Kenzie, Mallory, Maddie, Natalia, and a couple others LOL. Apparently she chased him down on the playground and kissed him. Oh boy. Slow down Xan, I'm not ready for you to be big pimpin'. Xander's sisters, and Jericho, are making fun of him singing marriage and love songs about him and his girlfriend. He seems very annoyed, this romance may be over before Lily knows it LOL.

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