
Monday, October 6, 2014

You gotta do, what you gotta do.*

I have managed to not have to take my kids to a single Doctors appointment for myself (except for Jericho when he was nursing) until today. This is one of the few reasons I am looking forward to the trio starting full day school next year. I'm sure it annoys people when I come walking in with 4 kiddos, but you gotta do, what you gotta do. Thankfully my 4 person crew behaved themselves very well, and we were able to get in and out in less than an hour.

They were not too crazy about my blood draw LOL.

Starting to get nervous.

The girls couldn't watch LOL.

After my appointment the kiddos got treated to time at the park. Check out Haddie, our future Ninja Warrior!
I got treated to an old school Dr. Pepper!

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