
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What did Jason start.

November is here...and has been pretty quiet. I am eating way too much of the kids candy, we have got to get this stuff out of the house...the KIDS are being more resistant to giving up their trick or treating spoils this year.

The triplets get awarded "Peace Paws" by their teacher when they demonstrate being extra responsible or extra respectful. Jason thought it was a good idea to make a little deal with the kids, for every 2 Peace Paws they each receive, they can pick a $10 toy. Well wouldn't you know the Peace Paws started pouring in LOL. We didn't start this until about a month in school, and the previous Peace Paws were not grandfathered this was all earned in the last month...and Lily now owes us about 4 Peace Paws, those Equestria Girls are spendy, dang. We may have to change the rules of this agreement sooner or later LOL.

Lily came home from school today and wanted to do a little art work. This is Lily and her spider *Charlotte* I love that she is working on writing and sounding out words all on her own! When she showed me this I had to take a picture of it...I was so impressed. Guess she really loved spider week.

Jericho was having a Spider-Man day today...I think Xan will be turning over all his Spidey stuff to his little brother soon.

Speaking of Xander, a little funny from today....
 Xander left/lost another thing at school/on the bus today, this is the 4th item since school started...only 2 have been returned. He told me "the good news is I still have my old dollar from when I lost a tooth". I told him that to replace his sweatshirt would be like 25 of those dollars, Xander says "I need to lose a lot more teeth" LOL.
It's OK, he will learn to take better care of his things...eventually.

I got photo bombed...little stinker.

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