
Monday, December 1, 2014

Getting into the spirit.

Percy, our fun little Elf is back...YAY...let the forgetting to move him, and jumping out of bed at 2am to rectify that, begin.

The kiddos were so excited to see him. Our always polite Xander told Percy that is was so nice to see him again, and Lily told him a couple of jokes LOL.

We got festive today and decided to get our tree and decorations up. My kids are actually old enough and big enough to really help this year...when did that happen?
Lily was extremely excited...bouncing happily all ove the place. A little funny...she was touching the garland and said "don't forget to put up the garlic." Jason told her "it's Garland baby girl, I put garlic in our food", Lily comes back at him with "you say tomato I say tomato" LOL!

Of course they spent a good 20 minutes playing in the box.

My silly fun!

Jericho and Xander took turns "locking" each other in.

Let the decorating begin.

They need a little more work on spacing...but overall they did a pretty good job.

Our cute little tree...hopefully our next (perhaps forever) house is bigger and has room for a big tree.

Lets hope Jericho can be trusted this year to not touch and/or break everything.

I love Christmas!

Xander finally got his real glasses. This is the other pair he picked...I think the red ones are still his fave, but he looks cute in these too.
The kid has lost a heck of a lot of teeth over the last couple of weeks LOL.

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