
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Parties and potty training.*

I took the kiddos to their friend Mallory's birthday party today, at a super fun place. So fun in fact, that for three hours I almost never saw them LOL. I miss the baby stage just a tiny bit...but I have to admit it is really nice now that they are all out of the need constant supervision stage.

Xan loves riding/driving games.

Shooting games too, of course.

Haddie on the other hand loves the games that give lots of tickets. She hit a jackpot for like 300 tickets!

Kitsune spent her first few hours home alone. I came home to NO accidents in her crate, and she went potty the second I took her out. She is doing so great with this whole potty training thing, only 1 accident (plus 4 really close calls) since we brought her home! At this rate...she is potty training easier than my kids LOL. 

She is so funny...she is still not too sure about this wet grass stuff.

Just adorable...she is a little biting turd, but I love her.

Her ears crack me up, they are tipping backwards. They will not be like this forever, so I have to be sure to get some pics now.

Brrr Mom time to go inside.

These are a couple super short videos of Kitsune showing off a little bit of her working potential. She did this 4 times, we kept putting the bed back and she would yank it right back out again. Great way to tire out a puppy. The first time the bed gave her a lot more trouble to get it out. She was growling at it and shaking her head like crazy...then once she got it clear she drug it 6 feet across the room LOL. Of course I didn't have my camera out for that one. Pretty impressive for a 7 week old pup.

And tire her out it did.

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