
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Santa's assistant.

We took the kiddo's to have a little meeting with Santa's assistant. My kids are funny, they totally believe in Santa, but they never believed the mall and photo Santa's were the real deal, so we came up helper or assistant Santa's LOL.
My friend Jamie is an amazing photog. I know she got way better pics than I did...can't wait to get them, but she is so great and always lets me snap a few of my own. It's good practice.  I think my settings were not right though, my pics didn't turn out too great...but some of them are OK.

A little hot cocoa and cider before it is our turn.

She also had a great little ornament making station to keep the kids entertained until it is their turn.

My boys were looking quite handsome today.

Of course they have to have a little prop fun too.

Girls up next.

They loved the props too.

My crew...I adore this bunch so much.

I LOVE this one, I'm excited to see my friends much better version of it LOL. We just may have Christmas card potential!

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