
Monday, January 26, 2015

Mt Hood, 60 degrees and a couple sleds!

It has been a VERY mild winter here in Oregon. We had to drive up to about 3500 feet to find any snow to play in, usually you have more than enough down around 2000 feet. It was a perfect day to hit Mount Hood though, 60 degrees, sun shinning, no was fabulous. We put the kids in a couple pairs of pants, a couple shirts, gloves and their rain boots...all we had for this little impromptu sledding trip. We had coats and hats but didn't need them at all. Proper bibs and snow boots would have been great, just so the kids didn't get as wet, but we spent about an hour playing and having a blast.

Making our way to a good sledding spot.

Kitsune enjoyed the trip. Frog dog in the snow.

First ever sled voyage, hold on tight boys!

Woohoo there they go!!

Um, do they know how to stop? Dad to the rescue LOL.

Hayden and Lily were supposed to go next...Lily had a premature launch. It was pretty bright out, my camera had a hard time...well I am sure it was actually operator error.

I need to slow this thing down.

Hayden to the rescue.

Out of the way girls, Xander can't see where he is going.

Too much fun!


Kitsune did not like being on the sidelines watching all the fun.

Jericho only went once or twice, then he was over it. The trio went up and down pretty much the entire hour...they were worn out by the end.

I think we will need a bigger sled next trip.

Again, again, again.

Jericho spent a lot of time bombing his brother and sisters with snowballs as they sledded by.

He tried to get me a couple times too.

Lots of races down, but usually Xander would cheat and start before the girls were ready. I think next time they will each need their own sleds.

Kitsune looked so pretty out in the snow.

Always on alert and watchful.

She is not too friendly with strangers, until she spends a good 5-10 minutes getting to know them, but she is going to be one heck of a protector of our kiddos.

My turn to join in for one trip down...yes must have a bigger sled next year LOL.

Ahhh! Out of the way this thing has no steering or breaks.

Pictures with Momma!

No one was happy to stop for a photo op LOL.

Such a gorgeous day to play on the mountain!

Jason launching a snowball at me.

The kids all had a great time, until they started getting wet and cold...if we had proper gear they would have been dry and comfortable...and wouldn't want to stop.

Crazy boy LOL.

Jason took a turn LOL.

No hands!!!

Digging in the snow.

One final trip down!

Catching a tow back to the car. We had some cranky and tired...and wet kids.

This much fun works up a big appetite, time to go.

The kiddos got into some dry clothes and we had a little picnic.

Pretty spot, the kiddos were too cold to check it out...funny how when the fun is over the wet and cold become miserable.

Passed out in his shades on the drive home...tuckered out kids are so cute.

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