
Friday, April 17, 2015

1st Kindy field trip.

The trio have been super excited for their nature park field trip today. This was their first school field trip, I think they are fans. I went to be a chaperon, we had a blast.

Getting some info...and learning about what critters need.

My group of 8 with our guide.

Xander was cracking me and his teacher took us a while to figure out where he got the gloves. It seems Xan has been cafeteria helper in the mornings, so he must have snagged a pair of gloves. Silly kid.

Lily made a "Bug Book" to be her field journal, and brought a magnifying glass from home. My kids were prepared to be all scientific today LOL.

Getting to pet a skunk pelt.

Checking out some animal tracks...the fact that they were fake was totally lost on the kids.

Updating her field journal. She ended up seeing a bug, bee, snail, snake and a spider. Not too bad for an hour and a half.

A little Lily funny from tonight... Bug has a little summer cold stuffing up her nose. I asked her if she was breathing OK or if she needed a treatment.
She says..."No, that's just my stuffed nose showing us who is boss" LOL.

So much fun!

Can't wait to go back.

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