
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Happy 86th!

We spent the day at Grandma's for the kiddos Great Grandpa's birthday party. It was a great time, but the kiddos accidentally over heard we may be moving in with Grandma for the summer. We haven't wanted to let them in on that bit of news until we were sure that we were going to need a place to stay between selling our current house and being able to move into the new one...didn't want to get their hopes up, but now the cat is out of the bag. I suppose the chances of us not needing a little time at Grandma's is pretty impossible so I am not too worried about disappointing them. I don't know who is more excited, the kids or Grandma :) Just hope we don't get too used to having a pool in our back yard this summer LOL.

Jason and his Grandpa. 86 and the man still skiis...pretty incredible dude.

Beautiful day to have dinner out side.

Then it was gift time...and the silliness began. Great Aunt Julie brought the mustaches...which were totally awesome, and a bit tickly huh Jericho Hahaha!

I got too many hilarious photos...this was so funny. Great Grandpa and his great grand kids. The trio got to do the math when they asked how old he was today. He said 80 years older than you :)

The year was 1929...pretty cool booklet of stuff from the year he was born.

The mustache fun just kept going and going.

Aren't we cute LOL.

I actually do not make a very good looking boy Hahaha.

Happy birthday Frank XOXOX!!!

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