
Monday, April 20, 2015

School trip to OMSI.

The triplets school rented out OMSI for a private school wide field trip, it was awesome to have the whole place all to ourselves! We used to be members here and came a lot, but got kinda bored with the place so today's visit was our first in a couple years. Much more fun when you don't come all the time. Also a lot more fun now that the kiddos can do a lot more of the activities.

She almost made it the whole way without touching the sides.

Jason showing the kids one of the experiments.

Round and round.

All the kids LOVED this air machine. Paper cones were a flying.

Touching the critters was up next. Everyone touched the snake.

Next the Australian walking stick, this one is a female...apparently the males have wings and can fly. The only thing more gross than this bug would be one flying at me. I would much rather touch, hold or heck even kiss a snake than touch this thing. Glad my kids don't have my big icky bug hang ups LOL.

Though some liked it less than others...Jericho, my bug squisher by nature, only managed a couple seconds of hold time.

I think Haddie quite liked the bug, she held it for a long time.

Ewww this pics gives me the creeps LOL.

Lily Bugs turn.
She also liked looking at bugs under the microscope.

Always so much fun stuff to check out at OMSI.

Lots of interactive things too.

Everyone loved the mazes.

After almost 2 hours of fun we headed out to a beautiful sunset...and a 3 hour drive to Bend.

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