
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Our favorite band.*

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there doing it right.
The triplets made their Dad these for Fathers Day before school was out, they kept them hidden until today. Jason got a kick out of reading these.

This Fathers Day we spent in Bend watching Auntie Stacie's band rock out.
It was an awesome venue and they sure know how to put on a kid friendly event. They passed out beach balls and hacky sacks for the kids to play with, kept them busy for hours.
Grandma drove down with us, the kids had a blast road tripping with her. Auntie Amber and Cousin Hailee met us down there.

As soon as The Broken Down Guitars started playing the kids did not stop dancing...they are going to crash hard tonight!

Group dancing.

Hayden and Grandma were cutting a rug out there!
The kids fave thing...dancing with Grandma while Auntie Stacie sings! I wish I could sing half as well and my amazingly talented sister in law.

Jericho started losing it towards the end...but it was a great place to play too so it was all good.

Lily Bug, our little vampire, needed a break from the sun.

Grandma and Jericho joined Lily LOL.
Haddie was star struck :)

After the show 3/4 of my kids helped their Auntie do some tear down...the other kid was too busy performing to help.

Some instrument fun. They love the music lesson they get from their Auntie.
We all went out to dinner together before our drive home. To Bend and back in the same day is rough...but worth it.

The kiddos just love seeing their Auntie!

Until next time Auntie Stacie XOXOX

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