
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Big bada boom!

The kids, and their Dad, have been counting down the days to today. The 4th of July is a fave around here. We got an early start, had a little help making tonight's festive dessert.

Always so many helpers...not always enough help needed LOL.

Red, white and blue!

Family and friends started arriving for some yummy BBQ.

Girl time with Grandma.

Fun with Cousin Hailee.

Silly kids!

To try and pass the time a couple footballs were passed back and forth. Lily Bug nominated herself cheerleader, she took great pride in her craft LOL.

Dessert time!

Our cheesecake turned out awesome!

When we couldn't hold off the kids, or Jason, any longer the fireworks were busted out.

Haddie was running around singing "Baby you're a firework" LOL.

I didn't see my pyro husband pretty much all night LOL, but he puts on an awesome show.

Happy 4th of July...may our country never give up our hard won independence, or be tricked out of it.

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