
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Demo by Dutchie.*

This was the last carton of eggs we bought, it was back on the 3rd of I have 2 dozen eggs sitting in my fridge. I need more cartons LOL. We did have one of our girls die last night, pretty sure it was a combo of the heat and the neighbors kid getting into our yard and chasing her down to hold her when we weren't home. Can't wait to be out on our 10 acres with no one coming over unless invited. More chickens...and my first rooster are on the list just as soon as we are settled in.
Before heading to the new house to get some more work done we stopped over to pick up some of these huge fluid containers. We plan to use them on the farm for watering animals and stuff like that....once we clean them out. They are food grade, they used to have HFCS in them per the label. The syrup sludge in the bottom is not going to be fun to clean though.
The guys dumped what sludge they could before loading, to make them lighter, this poor little guy took a swim in the sticky sludge. He wouldn't have made it, so I grabbed him up and got some soapy water and washed all the gunk off. When I picked him up I told him I was trying to help and he better not bite me. He didn't, he didn't even bite the kids that wanted to hold him after I washed him off.
I love little garter snakes...and now so do the kids.

He was released safe and sound, hopefully he steers clear of the gunk.

A quick sandwich dinner up at the farm, Jericho sat holding a praying mantis while he ate his dinner. This was so the right place for us!!

While Jason and I were inside doing more work the kids kept busy playing out side. Kitsune stuck with them the whole time. She usually shadows either me or Jason, it was really cool to see her staying out with the kiddos on duty watching over them.

All the carpet, pad and staples are out, next step before we can put the new floors in is to demo this room. We invited the kids to help, we all had a can be very relaxing just smashing away at a wall.

Everyone got a turn. Kitsune was right up in the mix of course.

That is a game face right there LOL.

We kicked it up a notch...and everyone was kung fu fighting :)

Love this 4 kid wrecking crew!

Kitsune was really getting into the demo too.

Demo by Dutchie LOL.

This girl really gets into her work LOL.

She even loved jumping through the hole in the wall...she is so fun.

1 comment:

  1. Somehow, I'm the only one in this household that likes little (or any) snakes! Glad your kids all like them. They can be fun. (My boyfriend is afraid of lizards. lol)
