
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Our last move.

The new house is nowhere near ready, but it is moving day. I will be glad to not be driving back and forth anymore...even if I will be living in a construction zone for another month. I am also glad that this is IT, barring something crazy happening...good or bad, this is our LAST move!

We had some help moving today, teenagers are strong but usually don't have much patience for little kids. Jason was informed today that our kids are different...that they are awesome and always do something funny. Case in point....said teenager was sitting in the living room with Lily and Jericho. Jericho was being a nut of course. Lily looks over at Dylan and says "Don't worry, he was raised by squirrels." LOL I kids are pretty funny

OJ looks ready to roll out.
My copilot for the drive to the new house.
Stopped for gas, Woosaw and Sunny have me looking like crazy cat lady up in here.
We made it!
The house is a total disaster. No kidding it is going to take us at least a month to settle in, we have so many remodeling things still going on, not to mention we also have to take some time away to work on the outside too. This is going to be a nut house for a while. Jericho decided he wanted a PB&J for lunch...only he decided to make a "smash up" and asked me to use two kinds of jelly, the big kids thought he was on to something so they wanted it too. What ever keeps you guys entertained and busy works for me.

Silly boy.

New house, that they are a little freaked out to sleep in...I think all the warning talks about not going too far and to watch out for the bobcat, cougar, bear and deer scared them more than we meant to. New fun singing and light up toothbrushes helped bedtime go a touch better. Score for Dad.

Ahhhh I'm tired, but it feels so good to be HOME.

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