
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Back to school night.

Today was back to school night at the triplets new school. The kiddos have been a mixture of super excited and not at all. They had a blast today, and are now really excited for Monday! Oh my gosh as of Monday I will have 1st graders. Even worse...they will be gone from 8am - 4:15pm Monday to Friday...what. Thank goodness I still have Jericho for one more year, I would be hit even harder by this without my little man to keep me busy. What am I going to do without my babies all day, this feels like the beginning of losing them to school, friends, electronics, dates, sports ...oh boy I'm gonna cry.

 Of course the day started off right with Grandma coming up for a visit. The kids helped her pick a bunch of yummy blackberries.
Our school is SMALL, they are K-5 but only like 140 or so students. This is the 1st grade teacher...she seems really nice and I think the trio liked her. Don't mind my "I'll pick out my own clothes" kids...I will be handling the first day of school, picture day and the last day of school at the least LOL.

Checking out the outdoor space.

The school has a big, very cool and productive looking, garden. Lily can't wait to get in there and water LOL.

We hung out at the playground for a little bit.

They loved this ride.

The camera did something funny when I took a pic of the kids watching for their Grandma's car heading home passed our front pasture.

They were waving like crazy.

My latest Craigslist find. This cute little chair will sit over by the wood stove. Love it!

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