
Friday, August 14, 2015

Foggy up in the mountains today.

Today was our first day out of the 80's and 90's since moving in. It was a lovely break. The kids chilled inside, and decided to make some fun crafts ALL BY THEMSELVES. It is amazing how grown up they are getting. While they were making crafts I was studying.

Tip to all...don't let your driver's license expire right before moving to a new state. If you do, you too will have to take a written and driving test like a 16 year old. I'm studying now, and have not aced a practice test on the first try yet LOL.

They did such a good job.

My cute little monsters.

The fog hung around all was kind of cool.

Kitsune is not too happy about the diaper. How is she 8 months old already, feels like yesterday she was too tiny to even see over the couch seats LOL.

The piggies are doing great...even President Business is starting to warm up just a little more.

The chickens have a new entry and exit ramp into their we can keep their food in the coop and the pigs can't get to it. Now we need to add an automatic door so we don't have to open and close it for them.

New coop door. Next I need to hit it with a wire brush to clean it up for a fresh coat of paint.

Getting their water set sprung a leak during the move.

My garden can kind of see the big rectangle marked by the wood posts, the previous owner said it was a great spot. It is 65 feet by 35 feet...Jason and I have zero garden experience, in fact we kill almost every living plant we come in contact with, so this could be tricky. We will start small and just do a few hardy things at first.

My front pasture....can't wait to see it all green again.

Oh no.
To be continued.....

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