
Monday, August 3, 2015

More space = more chickens, of course.*

Some more pics of the last couple of days. We got a new, to us, riding lawn mower for our immediate front and back yard mowing the pasture areas that make up most of the 10 acres...gonna have to get animals for that. I also grabbed a sunflower plant...which I am sure will be dead in less than a week, sadly.
I got 5 new teenage chickens, one being my rooster...I love him already! The 4 girls should be laying in the next month or so. Prince Charming, to keep with our Disney Princess theme, is already crowing.
The light one in front is another easter egger, Pocahontas should lay blue eggs. The pretty girl behind her, Merida, is a blue laced red Wyandotte, she will lay brown eggs.
The blue one up front is an olive egger named Aurora, her eggs will be an olive green color. The lavender English Orp in the back is the new Ariel, she will lay brown eggs too I think.

They are so pretty.

We also got two wee easter eggers, they should also lay blue eggs. This one is Snow White.

Cinderella meeting Kitsune.

Lily said her pony's were at the zoo...LOL.

New walls are almost ready for texture and paint!

Jason had to rent a forklift for a day to move the future barns wood up to the spot we are going to build it at. Boys and toys...he didn't hate driving this thing at all.
A couple of the kids got supervised turns too.

The cheering section.

Kisune found the for sale sign we pulled out of the pasture. She wanted to send a message that the house is NOT for sale LOL.

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