
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Double Dutch.

Busy day today. The trio had their 7 year old check up...only close to 2 months late. We are sad to be saying goodbye to the Doctor that has taken care of them since they left the NICU. She is moving practices, and we now live a good hour and 15 minutes away as it is. So we will have to find a new Doc up in our neck of the woods I think.

We had to do our annual mirror pictures. They have come such a long way.
Today my big kids measured in at... 

Xan - 56 lbs which is the 70th percentile. 50 1/2" tall, 84th percentile. He is still on track to reach over 6ft. 

Haddie - 60 1/2 lbs 83rd percentile. 51 1/2" tall, 93rd percentile. She should hit 5'9" at least. 

Lily Bug - 51 1/2 lbs 52nd percentile. 49 1/2" tall 72nd percentile. Miss Bug will be around 5'6".
Just for fun I tried to measure Jericho myself...he is about 35 lbs and 35" tall.

When we got home it was time for a little more fun with friends on the farm. My friends kiddos couldn't wait for a quad ride. Poor Jason, had to ride kids around all evening, he totally hated every minute HA.

Before he went home Jordan had his first driving lesson, and did a great job.

Hauling water up to the pigs, a fun daily chore. Kitsune had her favorite fellow Dutchie to run around with. It is a love hate relationship with them right now LOL.

Tristan found a comfy place to chill.

Natalia's turn to ride.

Hold on tiny tot.

Jericho, after raising his hand in line...finally got a turn.
Even Lily Bug, who is not the biggest fan of a quad there ever was, took a little spin.

The Dutch duo entertained themselves too.

They are both toy hogs...good thing we have two rope swings.

Lots of running for these mutts today, by the end of the evening they were ready for bed.

They are machines...even when they were exhausted, you throw a toy you will get it back.

They are so funny. He is bigger, slower and less coordinated....but he doesn't give up.

Jericho, silly little man.

Love this one.

Our future betrothed pair...they are going to have some pretty babies one day.

Tristan finally went out on a ride....voila another farm fan is born.

Natalia spent the night with the girls...their first sleep over in our new house.

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