
Saturday, October 31, 2015

From our gang to yours.

One of our favorite days of the year. We work for weeks, even months sometimes, on our costumes and cross our fingers for good weather. The last 5 years we have gotten lucky with the weather, this year not so much...but it all ended well.

Our friends held their annual costume party tonight too. They have great games, everyone brings a spooky dish, everyone dresses up...usually there are at least 12-15 families there, it is an awesome time. All the guests vote for best adult costume, best kid costume and spookiest dish. Our first year to attend I won best adult costume, go Catwoman, but last year Lily was in the hospital sick so we had to miss all the fun. So this year we had to try our very best to kick butt at the party.

Our spooky dish was a red velvet brain cake.
Two 8" rounds. A little frosting between the layers. We trimmed up the cakes to get a brain shape, then added the valley down the center.

Next came the rolled ropes of fondant twizzled around to look like brain. We put a thin layer of frosting and some heated up seedless raspberry jam on the cake first to help hold the fondant on.

Finish it off by totally covering all the white in liquid seedless raspberry jam...I wasn't quite done yet. We won best spooky dish at the party with this baby!!!

Shag and Scoob...they turned out so cute! The rain was awful, I was scared the costumes and makeup wouldn't last so I made the kids let me get some pictures as soon as we got to the party LOL.

Scrappy darn cute! He actually stayed pretty still for his face paint...I did have to redo it once, then after that I gave up LOL. I was didn't last long.

Fred and Daphne...Jason's hair LOL, that is dedication! I won for best adult costume.

Xander loved his Mystery did end up getting too heavy about halfway through the night. It was worth it though...Xander won for best kid costume! That is right my gang swept the awards this year woohoo!!!

Now we just need a mystery to solve :)

Game time, the kids always love the games.

After 2 different tie breaker rounds, Haddie came away with the win for the ball toss!

First round of trick-or-treating happened in a decent sprinkle. The kids didn't care, but I was not a fan LOL.

Xander's lights on his Mystery Machine were actually pretty helpful.

So many people just loved his costume...he always picks the coolest (and hardest) costumes!

Grandma dressed up as Velma and joined us for some after party trick-or-treating. Cousin Hailee joined us too. Thankfully the rain stopped for our last hour, hour and a half of trick-or-treat time.

Had to go by our favorite scary house...they never disappoint. The kids were crying Hahaha!! They recovered quickly, so no lasting damage was done.

Xander's first crash cost him a headlight. He started needing more help carrying this thing.

Second crash...Mystery Machine down. Xander totaled his first car LOL.

The girls had fun, they have missed their cousin.

Daphne and Velma...this was a fun year, not looking forward to washing all this orange hair spray out though.

Smooches!! Jason can't wait to give himself a buzz cut LOL!

Such a fun night! Our trophy for sweeping the awards at the party...have to bring it back next year, and hope to win it again! 
Happy Halloween from my gang to yours!!

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