
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Our first power outage...oh boy.

I attended my first swap for all things farm and homestead today. I'm glad I didn't bring more animal carriers...I could have gone crazy in there LOL. I did come home with a few new feathered friends. 

Our first turkey, he is a young Royal Palm tom...we hope to pick him up a couple ladies soon. Jason has suggested we name him Daryl...the kids have yet to let us know what they think about our turkey names coming from The Walking Dead though, so for now his name is undecided LOL.
Prince Charming now has too many ladies all to himself, so I picked him up a little back up. This guy is also a Salmon favorite breed of chicken. When I got home it was pouring, so the kids and I did not get to pick names for any of our newbies.

I also got three new little ladies. The reddish one is a rhodebar, the one in the middle is an olive egger, and the little one in the front is a blue copper marans.

The weather this afternoon was yucky...and another unwelcome reminder that winter is closing in. We actually lost power today for about an hour. I am getting the feeling this will probably be happening more than once or twice this winter. Thankfully just as Jason was about to hook up his new generator the hard working people at the power company got things working. Jason was a little bummed LOL.
While the power was out we started a little fire and Xan read to me. It was a great way to spend an hour.

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