
Thursday, October 1, 2015

The dance of the unicorn.

My birthday was full of laughs. My wonderful husband encourages birthday he came home with a very special gift for me today. Thanks babe for the rocking jammies. The kids were all for it, especially Lily...she told me, more than once, to be careful with it one day it would be hers LOL. They insisted I try them on, I tried to get out of it until bed time but they didn't take the bait.

I wasn't expecting big, and expensive, surprise that is coming next summer is kinda of the next 5 birthdays and Christmas's combined LOL. So I was happily surprised to get a sweater, lamp, game to play with the kids and of course the unicorn pj's. Thanks babe...and kids!

Can I work unicorn pj's or what?! LOL

Lily wouldn't let it go until I did "the dance of the unicorn". I had no clue what this dance consisted of, so she happily demonstrated.

All the munchkins seemed to know the dance.

I tried to just jump around a couple times...that was not going to cut it.
So I took it a little further...still not good enough.

In order to make her stop, and allow me to change, I had to do the full on dance of the unicorn...thanks babe for the photo memory. Looks a lot like the big shoe dance, someone should tell Pee Wee that his dance has been taken over by unicorns.

Another highlight of my little party...these yummy Skinny pina colada cup cakes! Ah yes, 29 again! LOL

Thanks for the great party guys....I felt loved and laughed so much I'm sure I burned off the cup cake in no time.

We played a round of the new game. Tips are huge, little kids try to cheat like you wouldn't believe, losers are still sore, and no one wanted game time to end. Good times :)

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