
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Who said fencing was easy?

Jericho and I did some shopping today, my almost 5 year old is firmly in the "Can I have this" frame of mind right now...makes shopping a pain. I'm a sucker...he came home with a new toy, so of course he had to pick out something for his siblings too.

The kiddos are super excited for Halloween. We need to keep building our decoration stash though, Jericho really wanted to bring this nice old lady home.

Jason got post holes dug for a couple new pens today...he was a tired pup by the end of it all. We just got the good news that our two Nigerian Dwarf goats will be joining us in the next week or two. We have been waiting for these two girls to be confirmed pregnant before bringing them home and we got the news a couple days ago that their tests came back +!!!!
This sucker is heavy, I actually had to put my clipboard and camera down a couple times to help move it ;)
It worked great, he got probably 25 holes dug.
The trio randomly came out to help...Jericho was busy getting into trouble in the house of course.
Hayden managed to find a few fall hold out flowers.

Xander wanted to help with the machine.

Lily is still in a Princess Sophia phase, she has been wearing this "amulet" for weeks, only takes it off to shower LOL.
The pigs are getting moved into one of the new pens, they are going to love all these trees I think.
A big flock of geese flew over head.
The goats are getting this over grown area...lots of bushes and shrubs, should keep the girls very happy and busy.

I got the kids some horses to paint...that kept them busy for a little while. I'm glad I went back out to help Jason, my perfectionist side would have had a problem watching the painting that went on LOL.

Drilling comes the posts and fencing.

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