
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Happy kids!

Today was the big horse reveal. Jason and I were so excited...we hoped that the kids would love having her as much as I do.

Oh my gosh!! This picture of Hayden about sums up the Ava reveal LOL. It is not every day that parents can truly 100% make their kids day in every way. I hope they remember today, and this feeling...I know I will remember seeing this much happy forever. Thanks Ava...we may have rescued you, but you certainly will be adding to our lives. The weather sucks today, so we couldn't visit too long. When we headed back to the house the kids immediately sat down and started drawing pictures of Ava...Haddie even made her show and tell, in advance for Tuesday, all about Ava.

The kids were excitedly going nuts....Kitsune on the other hand was like WTF is THAT?!?! HAHAHA!

Ava really seems to like the kids, she is super tall...and can very easily hold her head out of even my reach. Look how low she is holding her head so they can say hello.

So sweet.

Kitsune started trying to get a little closer.

Whoa there dog. I'm glad Ava has dog experience, and I am also glad that Kitsune never barked or growled even once. She loves to surprise me.

Lily was not as sure about getting too close.

Lily and Kitsune both are getting a bit more curious.

Look at all these pictures...Kitsune is like "Hey you up there, I'm down here, look at me."

Finally...hello. Hope these two can end up friends.

It is looking like a good start.

I hope these two also have a lasting friendship. What a happy young lady, and such a gorgeous animal.

Quite the pair they make.

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