
Thursday, November 26, 2015

So much to be Thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving y'all. I have so much to be thankful for. My family is healthy, happy and prospering. Our kids are growing into wonderful people. My husband is my best friend and true partner. He treats me like a princess, which I usually don't deserve LOL. This year has been a whirl wind, out of the blue we decide to put our house on the market and before I knew it I am living my childhood dream. I have started filling up our 10 acres with critters and our kids are filling it up with laughter and amazing memories. Yes, so much to be thankful for, and to appreciate.

We spent the afternoon at Grandma's, it was a chill and cozy Thanksgiving this year.
Games got played.

Lego masterpieces were built.

Brothers had some quality time together LOL.
I got some relaxing time in with my hubby.

The kiddos were very helpful, they are getting so grown up. Setting the table and helping set out the food.

Thankful doesn't just happen one day a year around here...and the list of things to be thankful for is long.

The kids were of course thankful for dessert Hahaha!

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