
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Chistmas trees have gone high tech.

I had no idea how high tech Christmas trees have gone. We do the fake tree thing, I think what I like about fake trees is that I don't have to go out every year and get a new one...then recycle it every year too, and there is no needle lean up. Our tree that we bought about 8 years ago stopped working. I'm sure it was just a burned out light since just the top section was out, but since we have been wanting a new tree the last year or so anyway we went tree shopping today. Our old tree and bag of replacement lights has been donated to a family that needed one. The tree we brought home plays music and you can change how the lights light with your phone, make the big bulbs all one color, or cascade from one color to the next, or fade in fade out the colors...WTH Hahaha! This thing can even flash its lights to the music it plays. Crazy!

The kiddos LOVE the new tree, and that the lights can change colors.

Time to decorate! The trio have been nagging us to put up the tree since December 1st LOL.

I have been using this Angel since I was a little girl...she finally has to be retired from the tree, but she can be a shelf decoration from here on out.

We found the little doggy hat we got for Kitsune when she was a puppy, which she refused to keep on for even 1 second. Woohoo for obedience trained dogs.
Oh yeah, she hates me LOL.

She was a good sport about it.

Oh so happy Bug....she can't wait for Percy, our Elf to show up tomorrow. He comes when the decorations go up, don't ya know :)

Best friends!

My two biggest trouble them!

I was feeling a tad hum bug this year, so much is still so unfinished in the new house and around the property, and the weather has just sucked...but this helps me get into the Christmas spirit!

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