
Friday, December 4, 2015

Hello December!*

It has been a pretty uneventful December, until today. Our 3 little pigs decided they would break out of their new pen. Unipiggie has actually been getting out since we put them in, she is still the smallest and biggest trouble maker. Last night the other two decided to follow her and mayhem ensued. They got into the feed shed, tried to eat all the animals food, then they went for a walk about to the neighbors. Looks like it is time to put an electric string around the bottom of their pen. I am evil, but I can't wait for their little asses to get shocked LOL. Hopefully it does the trick.

I have been getting over to work with Ava at least twice a week, and she gets worked with every day by my friend. I am so happy to report I am seeing changes....mostly in my comfort level, and in my ability to handle her when she acts like a horse will and gets a little worked up over silly things. She is starting to feel safe with me, and so she gets worked up less and I can chill her out much quicker. I think we will extend our month long stay to two, but that is largely because I really like having the covered arena to work with her in. All the time my friend is spending tuning her up is nice too.

Jericho went with me today, he got to give some of the horses treats.

Ava loves her treats, she looks like she is getting some weight put back on!

I heard a commotion outside, but it was just my silly trio walking home from the bus stop. Triplets rule...friends for life!
My friend Dina often sends her boys clothes our way for Xander. This time a pair of shorts belonging to her teenage daughter got mixed in, I had to put them on and text her a picture LOL. Go me, fitting into jrs sizes still, after 4 kids!


OK background to this Xander funny moment...we count to 5 in this family for child compliance.
Xander: Jericho, give me the Kindle so I can charge it.
Jericho: No.
Xander: Mom, Jericho is not listening, use numbers against him. LOL.

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