
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Getting better.

Did I mention how done I am with winter and that I would appreciate it if summer could hurry her ass up? I'm pretty sure I have at least 20 times. You can imagine how pleased I was when my husband and kids woke me up with "It's SNOWING!!" NOOOooooo.

Pretty but enough already.

Thankfully it was all gone by the afternoon.

Xander and Hayden had their second game today, it went much better than their first

Still no keeping score, but I think the FireBalls hung in there better this time.

Grandma came to watch the game too. Jericho was thrilled...we are on a Kindle and DS3D break right now, so he is kinda grumpy.

Lily has quite the imagination, she puts on extravagant make believe games...and usually gets everyone to join in. Poor Jericho is often not in a role that he exactly enjoys. Today he was a groom and then very quickly a new father LOL. Hayden was the flower girl, maid of honor and the officiant. Grandma was the photographer and managed snap shots of the whole thing, except the 5 tiered wedding cake of blocks and the actual birth. I was out with the goats, and was informed that I missed the wedding and the birth as soon as I walked in. Darn.

I don't know who informed them there is often a book involved in a wedding ceremony. Such attention to detail.

Is that excitement or dread.

The ring exchange.

Someone was more ready for that first kiss Hahahaha!

Already pregnant...slow down baby girl.

What a cute lil funny. Jericho can be such a good sport sometimes.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Birds...yeah, think Hitchcock.

Something was up with the birds today. Huge flocks of them were flying around the house all morning, the noise they made was totally eerie....gave me flashbacks to that old Alfred Hitchcock movie The Birds. They say animals start acting off before a big earthquake or other unpleasant event....I hope these guys aren't an omen that something wicked this way comes.

I tried to get some pictures, some turned out kind of cool.

This one the birds look like they are shrinking or something as they head to the tree.

Blowing leaves off the branch.

They were the loudest when they were sitting in the trees...seriously gave me the chills.

One of my favorites.
After a few hours they all just vanished. So trippy.

Jericho and Kitsune headed out to play once the freak show was over.

We seem to be in this one nice day, followed by a couple rainy days, back to a nice day again pattern. Come on summer!

Never without a toy.

She actually jumped off the ground and caught the frisbee but I didn't catch it. Love how the sky in the background is kind of ombre.

Woosaw has totally recovered from her walk about...and she hasn't tried to run off again LOL.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Parties with besties.

We took an almost 2 hour drive, each way, today so Lily could spend some time with her BFF Kalaya. Kalaya's brothers had a joint, 1st and 4th, Bday party at a jumping fun spot. The kiddos had a blast, and of course Lily and her bestie were inseparable for the whole party.

They just love each other so much...makes the extra effort both families put out to do our best to nurture this friendship totally worth it.

All the kiddos had a great time.


Air hockey is always a fave.

Hayden made a new friend...too bad she lives 2 hours away also LOL.

Mmm pizza and cake time!

Little man had fun with his smash cake.

Such a cutie...Happy Birthday boys!

A little funny when we got home tonight...
Kitsune got sick and we all know what dogs do. Jericho comes running to tell me saying "Ewwww she is eating her throw up." I said yeah buddy sometimes dogs are gross. Jericho then says "Yeah, they make bad choices." Hahaha!