
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Parties with besties.

We took an almost 2 hour drive, each way, today so Lily could spend some time with her BFF Kalaya. Kalaya's brothers had a joint, 1st and 4th, Bday party at a jumping fun spot. The kiddos had a blast, and of course Lily and her bestie were inseparable for the whole party.

They just love each other so much...makes the extra effort both families put out to do our best to nurture this friendship totally worth it.

All the kiddos had a great time.


Air hockey is always a fave.

Hayden made a new friend...too bad she lives 2 hours away also LOL.

Mmm pizza and cake time!

Little man had fun with his smash cake.

Such a cutie...Happy Birthday boys!

A little funny when we got home tonight...
Kitsune got sick and we all know what dogs do. Jericho comes running to tell me saying "Ewwww she is eating her throw up." I said yeah buddy sometimes dogs are gross. Jericho then says "Yeah, they make bad choices." Hahaha!

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