
Monday, February 8, 2016

Meet the twins!

I was a nervous wreak leaving them last night, so I came out first thing in the morning to make sure everyone was fine. They are gorgeous strong babies, and Momma is fantastic and attentive. The babies are probably about 3 lbs each...though we didn't weigh them for a for sure weight. The one that is a bit bigger with more white is a little boy and the smaller darker one is a little girl!

He is adorable, and already super outgoing and friendly.

The little doeling sticks closer to Momma.

She is such a proud Mom.

They are pretty active already, even seen a little bit of playing...but they tire out quickly. Little boy ready for a nap.

She is a little doll...I have a feeling she will be staying here.

We didn't tell the kids until after they got home from school...or else it would have been heck getting them on the bus. They got to see the babies right after say they are smitten would be an understatement LOL. Quote from Xander after meeting the babies... "I'm a happy farmer". Jericho and I met them on their walk from the bus stop and Jericho told them there was a big surprise. They ran the rest of the way to the barn LOL.

The girls got to hold the baby girl. Since their Mom is from a game theme we are sticking with it, her name will be Double Dutch "Dolly".

The boys held this little guy. Hayden picked the name Uno for him.

So cute!

We already have tears about Uno going to a new home in about 8 weeks....but Dolly getting to stay is helping.

Love this pic...adorable!

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