
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My handy man.

Our goat family has just about out grown their barn stall. So Mr. Handy Man went to work on making the goats a shelter in their new pen area. We were hoping for good weather today, but it rained until well after noon. Thankfully hubby doesn't melt...he kept at it right through the rain.

The sun finally came out...and this rainbow touched down in the woods behind our property.

Yup, they are ready to go LOL.

Getting the siding up.

Ava is loving the sunshine, blanket free and eating....two of her favorite things LOL.

She has put on some weight...but I have a feeling being a Thoroughbred she will always be a thin girl.

She is still a biotch of a horse, we have come to the mutual agreement that she is Jason's horse...but will tolerate me when I have to be the one working with her or caring for her. I'm on the hunt for a horse that will like me and be what I want....wish me luck.

The goats are still kicking butt on the blackberry leaves, they are really doing a great job...we should have more property freed up this summer.

The littles are two weeks old now...time flies. I can't believe I have to wait a whole year to have more adorable babies.

They are really putting a dent in those bushes, the babies are even trying to nibble on the leaves already.

The two legged kids want money to buy books from school, they are wheeling and dealing with Jason on chores for money LOL. This should be good. So far we have 2 stall cleaners, and 1 little red head who will put away clean dishes. I could get used to this!

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