
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The bittys need a bigger home.

The little chickie poo's are 1 week old today. They have been in my bedroom in a small nursery cage since they hatched. They are ready to move on out to bigger accommodations...and I am ready for them to clear out of my room. I took them out in the sunshine for a short play time.

They are cute lil fluff balls still, but growing quickly.

This is one of my Salmon Faverolle babies.

Lots of my EE babies have a lot of Faverolle traits.

Cute little EE...hope they are girls and lay blue eggs!

I think one of these came out of my blue laced wyandotte...the other my silver laced wyandotte.

So cute.

These came out of my olive egger.

Lots of cuties.

Jericho checking out where the babies are moving to.

Much more roomy, they should be comfy in there until they can move outside.
Checking on the girl bunnies. I tried to breed our two Silver Fox does, we shall see if it worked in about 3 weeks. There was some confusion for my newbies as to how to do the deed...and here I thought they would just get busy like rabbits LOL.

Any time we go near the feed shed we are followed by the whole flock.

The goats also chime in that it is time for them to eat...even if they ate already. Wrangler is living at our house again...Kitsune is irresistible right now, good thing we got him fixed the last time.

The baby goats are getting so big.

Can't believe they are almost 8 weeks old already.

That little Heidi...she is such a sweetie.

Baby goats incoming!

Uno has found a new home, he will be leaving us this weekend...the kids are not going to take this well I'm afraid.

Jericho spent some time with the babies today too.

Heidi is making this hard.

Just adorable!

A nice hose drink on this hot day. The weather has been so lovely, hope it sticks around longer.

Ava is almost done with her meds...she takes it like a champ though. SOOOO much better than shots.

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