
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Goodbyes are hard.

All cute babies grow Uno and Dolly are 8 weeks old, wow that went fast. Uno's new owners came to pick him up today...we had some heartbroken kids, and lots of tears. Goodbyes are so hard, as much as we try to explain to them why we can't keep every baby born here 5 and 7 year olds don't really get it.

We spent a good half hour loving on Uno and saying goodbye.

Hayden took it the hardest, she about killed me she was so sad.

One last hug from Jericho.

I snuggled the little guy too.

Heidi helped ease the sadness...I think I have decided to keep her and let Dolly go to a new home. Her temperament is just too sweet to let her go.

Little did we know when we picked this area for the goat pen that it is covered in Elderberry plants. We also didn't know this wonderful plant not only makes great jelly, syrup and healthy tea...but it is also known to be toxic to goats. We have sold a number of the plants off, we have more around the property, hopefully the goat pen will be safe soon.

One last snuggle.

One last kiss. Good journey lil guy.

This is asshole rooster treatment. His final chance to stop attacking people. He gets to be my bitch for a half hour. Somehow I don't think it will work...he is a real jerk.

Jason, with some help from his brother, made good progress on my horse run in....while the rest of us kicked back to enjoy the sunshine. I'm a great clipboard holder LOL.

Nice work boys!

What do you do when you hurt yourself? Well if you are a crazy Dutchie you keep trying to make your humans play with you. Sorry girl, you are on IR for a day or two.

Got a lot done today.

They seem totally appreciative right? Ha.

Jason got some new swings put up...this kept the kids busy for a while. Don't mind the humping dogs...he is fixed but neither of them seem to care about that, dogs obviously don't care about privacy either. Thankfully the kids didn't put much thought into what they were doing, and didn't ask a bunch of questions. They have been seeing the chickens get busy for a while now...they think the boys are "double troubling" the girls and pulling out their feathers. Then yesterday they saw I had put one of our girl bunnies in with a boy. Hayden came to me and said "Mom you should take her out, he is just wrestling on her and she is not having any fun" LMAO! Ah the farm life Hehehe.

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