
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

And then there were 4.

Dolly went to her new home today. She was never as sweet and friendly as the other babies, so the kids didn't have a strong bond with her, and there were no tears this time.
Good luck little goat girl!

I'm super happy with the two babies we kept, they are sweet adorable girls. I already can't wait for next years babies!

Some cell phone pics from my sisters trip that I forgot to share.

I was so sad the day they flew home...Kitsune actually snuggled to make me feel better. I love this crazy dog.

One day Lily put on a puppet show for everyone, it was hilarious...but perhaps my favorite part was that she put out a tip jar LOL.
Everyone played along happily.

My littlest niece Lydia...such a cutie!

On the drive back from our beach day...everyone passed out. Hayden and Hailee sleep the same LOL.
Lily....the hat, so funny!

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