
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

It's a jungle out there.

The goat pen is truly a jungle, but we must start clearing out all the Elderberry. We have been lucky so far that the goats haven't gotten sick...I'm sure they have eaten some here and there. We start deforestation tomorrow. They will lose a lot of shade, but there will still be a lot of salmon berry, and one or two good sized apple trees.
There is a ton of whatever this stuff is too, and of course they are swimming in stinging nettle. I was hoping they would eat it, no such luck. I have recently been told if we machete it down and leave it for 24 hours for the sting to go away, the goats might eat it then. Someone find me my machete!
Heidi and Lulu are growing so well, they are chubby happy 13 week olds now.

And so pretty!

Jason rearranged their bath tub climbing toys, the goats side eyed it like it was going to eat them for about 3 min...then the jumping and acrobatics ensued.

Is it going to get us Mom?
Nah...all clear.

These shenanigans are not just for the babies.

Our small, starter size, garden is under way. We didn't get the big garden area prepped in time to use this year, so this will have to do. It is so cute...and was actually really fun to plant everything.

Please continue to keep my poor plants in your thoughts...they are in the hands of people without green thumbs LOL.
Jericho funny from yesterday... I got out of the shower and found my sweet five-year-old had taken it upon himself to load the dishwasher with a handful of dishes that were in the sink. I didn't have the heart to tell him that all the dishes in there were already clean, and that you can't pile dishes on top of each other if they are to get clean LOL. Thanks for the help Jericho.

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