
Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Can't remember if I ever did before and after pics of the house remodel/decoration here are a few. Still lots to complete, and things I want to start....but my poor hubby can only do so much at once, even if this clipboard holder likes to pile it on LOL.

Tata carpet...hate, hate, hate carpet.
What a difference.

The kitchen was at least very clean, the whole house was thankfully.
Love the granite! We ran out of back splash, need to get more and finish that up. Tile will be next on my kitchen list. Staining the cabinets a light reddish wood tint is being discussed, not sure yet if I want to do it or leave them as they are.

Biggest transformation in the house. Fixing the dinning room situation.
So much better...I love this room.
The Salmonberries are starting to ripen...they aren't as good as blackberries or raspberries to me, but my kids will plow any fruit LOL.

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