
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Secret BFF handshake.

We took a two hour drive to let Lily go to her BFF's birthday party. Kalaya and Lily were so happy to see each other again. It is so sad we live so far from each other...they would love to see each other more than 3 or 4 times a year. The girls made the most of their time together today though!

Their secret best friend cute!

The other kiddos had fun at the party did Kitsune.

Princess processions.

Kitsune was such a good girl today. All the kids, balloons, bikes, toys, screaming and playing....she took it all in stride. She even became center of attention towards the end when the kids figured out what a great toy retriever she is LOL.

Jericho and Kitsune, they are best buds...

For all her crazy Dutchie-ness, she sure is a great family dog! I love this breed so much.
Bank stop. Hayden got her own savings account today. She was so excited. She says she is saving up for an Easy Bake Oven, the girls have wanted one for two years now LOL.
Funny Xander story today...
We stopped at Taco Bell to order a small late dinner. Jason orders chips and cheese, 1 for the boys to share and 1 for the girls to share. 
Xander says "What we have share, rubbish!" 
The car erupted in laughter....and 2 more chips and cheese dishes were ordered LOL.

This is one lucky bird. Fire season is pretty much over, we haven't even looked at the wood stove in weeks. I don't know what caught my eye and made me double take but this little guy is lucky I did. I think it is a Swift.

I thought he was going to be hard to grab, but he just stood there and let me pick him up. The kids really wanted to keep him, but thanks to watching the Wild Kratts a bazillion times I convinced them he wasn't meant to be a pet.

Hayden begged to hold him. After a minute or two she let him go. He flew off and is now living free and in the wild LOL.

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