
Friday, June 24, 2016

Almost too cute to eat.

Oreo is 7 weeks old, one more week and he will be looking for a new home. If one isn't found we will process him (the nice word for butcher) at around 16 weeks old. I of course secretly hope he finds a nice home first, but one of our reasons to have the rabbits is for a healthy home grown...and ethically raised, food source.

Be it short or long his life has been happy, he has had food, water, clean accommodations...and loving care.
His new brothers and sisters are 10 days old, all 6 are still with us...and half of them have opened their eyes!

The Silver Fox babies are getting huge. They are only 3 weeks old but are almost as big as Oreo is. Poor Momma, they have figured out how to get out of the nest box, now she gets no peace.

Little cute blue baby.

The turkey babies are huge too...5 weeks old now. We lost one, to a curious dog who didn't understand he can't pick one up and bring it to us. Poor baby turkey.

Dad has started to join the family...and mom has started laying another clutch.

We got some new feed holders...they hold more than the plastic totes, and still keep the rodents out.

Hopefully my feed shed can get finished this summer.

We did another dog roast dinner, the kids love roughing it at home.

Lycan is enjoying the farm life...though our resident roaming dog, Wrangler, doesn't like that he is here LOL.
Xander and Hayden made their own bow's...their arrows unfortunately don't fly all that well...or at all.

Nice form you guys!
Got started on party decorations. Now Jason can stop bitching about all the jars I have been holding on to.

So cute!

A little Lily funny...

Lily doesn't always know when someone is pulling her leg, but she always has a great answer.
Jason: How many of us are there? 
Lily: 6.
Jason: Look for 6 bowls, can you count to 6?
Lily: Of course I can, I just graduated 1st grade. LOL

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