
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Lawn mowers.

These two are pretty good lawn we are moving them up to a new area, get back to work you two.

These two are almost fat...need more workouts to go with all this grass.

Here is the next grass to be mowed.

A look back at all the area they have already been working on.

Thankfully we have a lot more to go. They should be busy all summer.

They have so much space...lucky horses. I think I need to find one more to add to our little herd. Jason has taken point on Ava, Hayden has claimed Scooter...that leaves me horseless LOL. Good thing we bought a 3 horse trailer.

He looks like a happy guy, doesn't he.
I love this picture.

Starting on pool set up...the kids are so excited. This is going to be a long process.

All 10 Silver Fox babies are hanging in...we shall see if things keep up. There are 10 little babies hiding in there.

4 blues.

6 blacks.

They are all pretty uniform in size right now, which is a good sign.

Mom is doing a good job for her first litter.

Dad is looking so proud LOL.
Oreo is 4 1/2 weeks old now, I think he is a boy.

He should be getting weaned pretty soon, his momma is due with her second litter in a week.

Oreo will be ready for his new home in a few weeks.
I love these two goofballs!!

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