
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Feed Me Seymour.

Xan got a Venus Fly Trap kit for his birthday. We planted it today, hopefully in a few weeks we see sproutage...he is super excited. Jason and I decided it would be a good day to introduce the kids to The Little Shop Of Horrors too LOL. The kiddos actually enjoyed the movie, now if we get any Fly Traps to grow they want to name it Audrey 2.
At the end of the movie...
Lily: Dad toss the Fly Trap out in the back yard towards the garbage.

Jason took the minions to spend the next 4 nights at their Grandma's house today on his way to work...woohoo mommy breaks are awesome!
I spent a quiet day outside with the critters.
The piglets are starting to hit growth spurts.

The two litters are now mingling well and playing together, all 10 are still with us and doing great.


Little herd of babies.

President Business...did you get a mint on your pillow LOL.

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