
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

My spidey sense is tingling.

We took a little drive over to our neighbors house again today. The kiddos love going to Gaylynn's. Today she took us to a part of her 75 acres that we hadn't seen before.
A small clearing in the trees, a little pond, amazing late day lighting...I immediately got to thinking. I had hoped Jason and I could do a vow renewal ceremony for our 10 year anniversary...but we were super busy this year and it got pushed off. Now I am in love with this spot...and I am thinking an 11 year vow renewal ceremony right here will be great!

So pretty!

Doesn't this look like the perfect spot!! Guess I better start planning a wedding...Pinterest don't fail me now LOL.

Jericho found a hawk feather...there was a pair flying over head for most of our visit.

Lily of course found the little stage.


Monkey see...monkey do.

We ended the day cutting more icky Tansy...this job is never ending.

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