
Saturday, July 30, 2016


We took the dogs to an AKC lure coursing event today. The kiddos got to play at the playground while we watched dogs chase down "bunnies" on a pulley system. It was great fun...and so cute to see just how much most of these dogs love chasing that lure. The barking from those in line awaiting their turn was loud!

The playground kept the kids busy for hours...we arrived at 7:30 in the morning and didn't leave until almost 4. Looong day.

5 year old rock wall climbing star!

"Look Mom, it's like American Ninja Warrior" LOL.

Lycan and Kitsune had never seen anything like this practices first or anything. Dina felt confident that they would do great...I wasn't as sure. I was wrong LOL.
They were naturals...and came home with 2 qualifying runs today. Hope they get their 3rd tomorrow, then they will have their CAT title!

Kitsune was of course a nut. She acted like she has been doing this forever. She ran her 600 yard course in about 47 seconds...not bad for a newbie!

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