
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

When I'm 8...*

When Hayden was little, and scared to try something new, she would say
 "I will do that when I'm 8"...well 8 is here!

8 years, my tiny preemie triplets are 8 years old. My how the time has gone by so fast. We have enjoyed every moment...some more than others LOL. I treasure these little minions. It seems like just yesterday...funny my face and hair color tell a different story.

Their big bash is on Saturday, so tonight we took them out to dinner.
We surprised them with their first singing birthday dessert.

They all said the sundae was yummy, but the song was their favorite part LOL.
Lily didn't know Jericho was getting a sundae too, she shared a bite of hers before his came sweet..

5 weeks...8 years, wow what a difference.

Jericho enjoyed the bigs Bday dinner too.

Back home it was time to play with piglets.
Momma is holding her figure in check pretty is important with breeding hogs that they do not get fat.
Her 6 survivors are doing well.
We have decided on the theme and names for any piglets that get sold as registered.
We are going to play off of President Business's name and go with a Boss theme.
The potential names for the boys are...Boss Man, Boss Hog, and Honcho.
The girls will be Supremo, CEO...and Queen Bee who will be staying here.

The three girls.

So far I am liking this litter too...I don't see any dippy backs or poor toplines, hopefully it stays that way.

Play time gets rough LOL.

Happy momma. Both my girls have been amazing first time moms...hopefully even better next time and we don't have any squished babies.

We decided on Wild Style's litter theme and names too.
This time we are playing of mom's name and going with the style theme.
The all black boy will be Goth, the boy with the most white will be Bohemian, the other boy will be Rocker.
My littler girl, who is staying here, will be Chic.

President Business seems to be enjoying fatherhood LOL.

I got some pics of Miss Heidi today. The babies are 5 months old and growing nicely. Hayden really wants to show Heidi, so I tried to get a few pics to send to some show friends to find out if she is show worthy.

I have been told she is worth trying to show. Some of the critiques I have heard on her...
Nice general appearance.
Nice angle of hip.
Great angulation.
OK on pasterns.
OK extension of brisket.
Good spring of rib and depth.
She does toe out a tiny bit, and could use a bit longer neck, but that could look better shaved for a show.

I think we just may try her...probably breed her this fall, as long as she is at least 45 lbs by 9 months, so she can start developing her mammary system.

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