
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Snakes, bunnies and ponies...Oh My!

 I hope snakes don't freak you out. I found two garters just as the kids were walking down the driveway from school. Everyone but Lily came a running to grab a snake LOL.

Hayden grabbed up this big guy. His coloring was really awesome, the orange was so vivid.

What a beauty!

Hayden loved this snake, he was so chill with her too. She wanted to keep him so badly, we may have been tempted to allow her to for awhile if we had a tank ready. She eventually said goodbye and let him go though.

He was huge!

The other one was much smaller, probably a baby. It was silver and neat how many different colors garter snakes can come in.

The boys took turns holding the little guy.

I have no idea why his eyes are all blued out. Maybe he just shed or something. Looks weird.

His under belly area was pretty much the same blue as his eyes.

I played with the Silver Fox babies for a little bit...Scooter even came over to say hi. Scooter has become a lot more attentive to us now that Ava is gone.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Momma chicken.

Jericho got to go to his class today for 3 hours of testing before Kindy starts. He was super a little less, feels like the beginning of the end of me and Jericho time.
When I got back home from dropping him off, I checked on all the critters. I saw my broody Olive Egger chilling in some blackberries. She is the only one that really gets into staying on eggs, but so far she hasn't hatched anything.

Then I heard a tiny peep.
When I got closer she got up and there was a bitty olive egger baby. So tiny. I didn't even know she was sitting on a nest, 10 acres + 30 chickens and surprise babies happen I guess LOL.
May be the only one to hatch, but momma is a vicious protector so I am hopeful she will make it. I risked serious injury to just hold baby for a second for this picture.
She just stood there, looking pretty, so I had to get a picture of her too.

Monday, August 29, 2016

First day of the 2nd grade!

The triplets are now officially second graders. They were super excited for their first day today, they were up, dressed, ready to rock before I even got out of bed LOL. Should I feel proud, or lazy, that they are so self sufficient and get themselves ready for school every morning?
Proud, definitely proud Hahaha!

How did we get so lucky to have such adorable, sweet, smart, kind, amazing kids.
I could take pictures of them all day.
Xander and his silly faces.
There they go...ready to take on the second grade. Have fun guys!

Wait, wait, wait....Momma needs one more hug.

Some neat webs around the farm this morning. I absolutely HATE walking through them when I am trying to get animals fed or do other chores...but if I see them first I think they are really beautiful.
Our graduation T' silly.

A year later. They still have a lot of growing to do.

When I do something as a favor for friends I, of course, never expect anything in return. What a nice surprise "Thank You" this was to get. Thanks Foglio family! It really was my pleasure, and we had a wonderful family weekend with you didn't have to do this but I sincerely appreciate it. My canvas addiction thanks you as well LOL!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

A ride on the beach.

Poor Lily, she has the most horrible parents...drag her to the beach on the last weekend before school starts.
Thankfully by the time we got there my grumpy Bug was in a better mood.

Of course that doesn't mean she wouldn't throw wet sand at her Dad for teasing her about her cranky red head tendencies LOL.

Beach hair.

Jericho always down for a fight.

My handsome sons...they are going to be trouble.

Lily is feeling better I think.

Or maybe one last attack on Dad.

Football fun.

Of course Hayden has an arm on her.
Lily is more play in the sand type.

My turn.

Great fun on the beach today.

Time to move it into Longbeach and check some stuff out. It has been many years since we were here. Thankfully with recent visits to The Enchanted Forest and Oaks Park the kids were not interested in any of the little rides here.

Always a fun place to kill time...and visit Jake the alligator boy.

Grandma Karen and Great Uncle Steve were going for a beach ride today, my wonderful hubby suggested I should join them. We used to come ride here about once a year before we got has been a long time. Still as fun as I remembered.
Hayden was a bit jealous that she didn't get to go this time.
Jason was nice enough to go find some entertainment with the kiddos while we were gone for about 3 1/2 hours.
They were whispering about getting elephant ears...Lily was worried I would be jealous, so Jason told her I don't really care for them. The witty red head then says "What did cinnamon ever do to her?" Which caused laughter from the crowd LOL.
Almost ready to get matched with our mounts. I used to ride a gorgeous gelding, he was a leopard appy named Apache...sadly I was told he passed away a number of years ago. Guess I will get to try out somepony new. Blast from the past...I actually have 1 old picture of me on Apache.

Just about ready to go...Karen got Betty, who treated her quite well on our ride. Steve asked for Gino again...he has ridden him the last few visits, though this time he was a bit of a butt head. I was set up with Amigo. He was OK...liked to be out in front, didn't like to be held back so we could canter a bit. After a few rounds of "I don't care if you get a little lite in the front you will wait so we can lope" we did alright. Of course my left stirrup fell right off my saddle, twice, thankfully I didn't lose my balance and fall...Amigo may have been trying to sabotage me...once I was trotting and the other time we were at a lope.

Big group of 13 of us, plus two "wranglers" on the 2+ hour dinner ride.
I love riding on the beach...need to bring Scooter out.

One of the "wranglers" keeping it fun.

A little fire and a steak dinner was waiting for us about an hour down the beach.

I had to be mean and text a pic of my dinner to Jason. For being such an awesome hubby I brought back half my steak, the potato and beans for him. Such a loving wife I am LOL.

The ride home was great...though my bony butt was done being in the saddle LOL. Super day!