
Monday, August 29, 2016

First day of the 2nd grade!

The triplets are now officially second graders. They were super excited for their first day today, they were up, dressed, ready to rock before I even got out of bed LOL. Should I feel proud, or lazy, that they are so self sufficient and get themselves ready for school every morning?
Proud, definitely proud Hahaha!

How did we get so lucky to have such adorable, sweet, smart, kind, amazing kids.
I could take pictures of them all day.
Xander and his silly faces.
There they go...ready to take on the second grade. Have fun guys!

Wait, wait, wait....Momma needs one more hug.

Some neat webs around the farm this morning. I absolutely HATE walking through them when I am trying to get animals fed or do other chores...but if I see them first I think they are really beautiful.
Our graduation T' silly.

A year later. They still have a lot of growing to do.

When I do something as a favor for friends I, of course, never expect anything in return. What a nice surprise "Thank You" this was to get. Thanks Foglio family! It really was my pleasure, and we had a wonderful family weekend with you didn't have to do this but I sincerely appreciate it. My canvas addiction thanks you as well LOL!

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