
Monday, August 1, 2016

So ugly she's cute.

Jason drove 10 hours round trip to pick up this bitty little piglet for me...that was with the breeder driving 5 hours toward us to meet up. She is totally ugly, in an adorable way...Lily kept telling me "Mom, how rude" when I said she was ugly, so I had to add that last part LOL. She will bring some very fresh and unrelated blood to our current trio of American Guinea she has a 0% inbreeding COI, her dad is one of the very few to have just founders as his parents. Lily named her Raven...she is almost 4 months old, my biggest male piglet (we nicknamed him tank for obvious reasons) is 1 month old and damn near as big.

I don't love her long snout, AGH's seem to come in either long or short snout varieties...I like short better personally.
Her bone and substance could be better, she is a real petite girl. I think my boy will bring a lot of good things to her.

Lily loves this little pig...I think she takes more to critters that she gets to name LOL.

My little roosters are starting to try and crow...this guy has the funniest baby crow I have ever heard LOL. He is the Olive Egger roo that was missed when I loaded all the other roo's up to sell. Lucky guy.

My Salmon Faverolle roo is looking happy to have him.

The baby buns are starting to leave now. This girl and 2 of her brothers left for their new homes. Good luck guys!

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