
Saturday, September 24, 2016

We did it!!

Kitsune and I went for her BH today...and she got it!! 6 handler and dog teams entered for their BH and 5 passed, the judge was very kind...and a little generous here and there :) He flew in from Switzerland to judge the Working Dutch Shepherd trial this weekend.

Kitsune had performed better during our practices than she did today for the real deal...but I was nervous, the field owner had hay crap going on behind us, there were a lot of people and dogs I guess it is pretty normal to have some performance level changes. At least we passed!

I was so happily surprised to have these pictures thanks to someone who came to watch a family member compete.

Love that focus Kitsune...if only I could get you to do this during our heeling. Something to work on.
Here we go!

Doing her long down back there while Maki and Riley have their turn.
Here is a little info and diagram on what Kitsune and I had to do to be awarded our BH.

The BH test asks for....

Part A...obedience portion.

 At the beginning of each trial portion, the handler and dog team must report in to the judge in a sportsmanlike manner.

The team enters the field, with the dog on lead and at a heel, they report to the judge and shake hands. Each exercise begins and ends in the "basic position". The dog sits straight , on the left side and next to the handler, with his right shoulder blade at knee height. From this position, at the judges signal, comes the building up of all the obedience exercises. The handler must show a minimum of 10 paces before the performance of the exercises.

Dog and handler will walk approximately 40-50 paces without stopping. The dog is to stay in the heel position. After traveling about 40-50 paces, the handler will make an about turn. Then heel at a run for 10 paces, a very slow walk for 10 paces, then back to normal for 10 paces. After showing the changes of pace the team will demonstrate a right turn, a left turn, and another about turn with a minimum of 10 paces between each.

Then they will move into a group of people and figure 8 through the group, stopping at least once in the middle.

Next the team performs all of the above once again, only this time they are Free -Heeling AKA off leash.
During the free heeling portion the team will perform a "Sit out of motion". Heeling position, 10 - 15 paces normal speed, sit...the dog stays put while the handler walks on, minimum of 30 normal paces, stop. Turn around look to the judge to be instructed to return to the dog. Return to the dog and back in the heel position.
Continuing the heel the team then performs a "Down with recall". Heeling position, 10 - 15 paces normal speed, down...the dog stays put while the handler walks on, minimum of 30 normal paces, stop, turn around and when the judge gives the OK, call your dog. The dog comes quickly, sits in the judges OK, the dog is told to heel. The dog then returns to the heel position.

Final step of Part A...Down under distraction. The dog is put on a down, stay. The handler walks 30 paces away and waits for the judge to signal to return to the dog...usually 7-8 minutes later, another dog/handler team takes the field to do their obedience portion while the dog is on the down.

 Part B Traffic test
1- On the judges signal, the team proceeds at a normal pace while a jogger runs by, a bicycle is ridden by and a car drives slowly by. The dog is not to pay overt attention to any of the distractions.

2- On the judges signal the team will enter into a group of strangers, they will walk around the team, stopping to move in closer and shaking hands. The group of people will back up, the dog is put on a down, and the group returns to circle the team again. The dog is not to engage with the group of people.

3- Handler walks a short distance and ties dog to a fence, ring in wall, etc. Handler then goes out of sight for 2 minutes. Dog may stand, sit or lie down. A passerby will pass with another leashed dog about 5 paces away from the one tied. Dog should allow this with no aggressive tendencies.

During the traffic portion.

WE DID IT!!! So proud of you are a crazy girl, I almost can't believe you passed LMAO!
The wonderful, very kind to a nervous newbie, judge Mr. Lars Czylwik.

CH Kitsune de las Flores BH UWP CAT
Beauty, brains and incredible physical ability....not to mention an amazing family and farm dog! Truly so impressed with this girl!
After the weight of the BH test was over...Jason and I took the munchkins on a little hike out behind our property.
A little snack along the way.

Beautiful...going to have to come back when the leaves are more turned for Fall.
A couple salamanders we found.

We started losing light, time to head back.

Such a gentleman holding up the branches so I could pass.

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