
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Storm preps.

Yucky storms moving in, started last night..supposed to get worse before it gets better. We spent a lot of time prepping the critters. There was already damage...fingers crossed we don't get hit too hard.

Our turkey chick trio are getting big.
New chicken momma brought her babies out around the flock already...the solo chick mom is still keeping to herself.

Xan found one of the new baby chick's not looking so good. Sadly he didn't make it, but it wasn't for lack of TLC.

This little lad took a bite from another boy grow out bunny. Now he is in baby bunny hospital, hopefully he can pull through. Kitsune offered to be his nurse, but I don't quite think I can trust her.

Extra loves.

This wind is crazy. One of our big bunny tractors blew over tonight...with 6 bunnies inside. We were out there with flashlights until 11. Captured 5 of them. Hopefully we get the last girl tomorrow. Saturday is supposed to be worse. Ugh. Time to move the tractors to their winter locale.
**News flash** Nabbed the 6th the next morning, whew.

Any storm blows through and we get pretty big wind gusts...always trees down. So far we have been really lucky with very little damage done, and no one hurt. This must have been a close call. This tree branch fell and shot right through one of our pig shelters.

This one took out a little of our hot wire fencing.

Got Scooter put up in the barn tonight, first time since the Spring thaw. The winds tonight are just too scary.

The rest of the night we hunkered down and hoped the power stayed on....which it did! 

The kids each have a pumpkin to decorate after a favorite character for a school project. We got Lily's done today.

Stormy day off from school...great day for PJ's and pumpkin decorating. One down, 3 to go.

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