
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

High school games.

It was a beautiful day to start a burn pile of downed branches. Too bad another yucky snap is due in a couple days. Stop teasing me spring!

Kitsune was not very helpful, she wanted to attack the ax, and pull sticks off the pile. Brat.

Took the kids to their first high school basketball game. It was girls night, Hayden and Lily and their team had a blast....though we may have lost Lily to the cheerleaders LOL. Home team kicked butt!!

The kids loved the band...and that they were not only allowed, but actually encouraged to scream, stomp, clap, hoot AND holler as much as possible. They are big fans!

Lily was enthralled every time the cheerleaders went to work. She said "Hmm maybe I should do that" LOL.

All the little girls that are on teams got to make a tunnel for the high school team to run out of at the end of half time.

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